Sunday, October 2, 2016



"From an early age, I wrote short stories, and entertained my mother and sisters by imitating people and other kids from my class."

When writing and sharing about artists, it is always individualized; from musicians to filmmakers, to actors to fine artists, everyone has their own style. For this particular article, I decided to take a different approach. Laila was such an open book, I decided, for your enjoyment, to have this entire article come directly from Laila, herself. She shares everything from her love and relationship with the camera, her education, her acting career and personal projects. She is ambitious, creative and driven. Laila is such a treat to learn about, I hope you enjoy all that she shares. 

"I started acting in the 6th grade, I was cast in the musical, ''Readin', Ritin', and Rockin. I continued acting through high school. I was a very shy child in school. I had a really bad public speaking phobia all throughout elementary. I was ashamed to even verbally participate in school." 

"Even though I was shy in public, I was quite the ham at home, from what I've been told. I love to write and act. Auditioning and landing a principle role was the moment when I decided that I wanted to be seen and heard."

"One of my best friends was oddly enough a 'camcorder.' Originally, my mother bought it to tape my performance in the 6th grade musical, and later gave it to me. I was fascinated with it. I would make short films about forks, spoons and cups. I got a lot of practice performing in front of the camera, when I was bored in my room." 

"In college, I majored in Radio and Television, and Spanish. I thought I was going to be a News Anchor. I graduated and decided that I wanted to pursue acting in Ohio, of all places."

"My first professional acting gig was when I was featured in a Speedway coffee commercial. That was my very first time on a commercial set with hair and makeup, and a trailer."

I had one line, "I can't live without pumpkin spiced cappuccino."

"The very first play I wrote is called, 'Laid Off.' It's a 'one woman show,' about my review of my life's experiences. I developed the idea after I got 'laid off' from my job in corporate radio. I was going through a touch time finding another job and dealing with my past experiences. I discuss dating mishaps, childhood memories of domestic violence and self esteem issues."

"I never thought in a million years I would write a play, much less one woman show. I was inspired by actor John Lequizamo's, one man show, 'Ghetto Klown,' an HBO special performance. From the moment I saw it I began writing 'Laid Off.' "

"I'm inspired by Dorothy Dandridge. As an African-American "Black" actress, I see her as an unsung Hollywood starlet. I remember being 11 years old and seeing her in the film adaptation of 'Carmen Jones.'"  

"Playwright Suzan Lori Parks inspires me, as a playwright. I watched a lot of interviews on her writing style and methods. She's very free spirited and I dig that! .... And my 'mum,' my mother inspires me, as well. She did some acting before I was born and she is one of my biggest supporters."

Thank you Laila B. Hameen for being on Cincystreets! 

You can see more of Laila's work by visiting her Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. Just tap the links below:

                                                   LAILA B HAMEEN FACEBOOK PAGE

                 CLIP OF LAID OFF

                   IMDB Full Biography

And, as always, thanks for reading!

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